Please come out and support the class of 2024, tonight at 7:00PM.
about 1 year ago, Cassie Lofgreen
Senior Improv Night
This has been a busy week for Julian FFA. Tuesday night was the parent/student meeting for Livestock Showing. Wednesday evening our Best Informed Greenhand and Cooperative Marketing teams competed in Valley Center. Thursday night was an invitational Public Speaking Contest.
about 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
FFA students hold their placing ribbon after the Cooperative Marketing competition.
The Senior Class Presents: Julian Drama's Tennessee Pickles Improv Night is tomorrow Friday January 18th at 7:00PM. Please come out and support our senior class.
about 1 year ago, Cassie Lofgreen
Julian FFA students did quite a bit of work during our Saturday work day. The work load included some clean up and maintenance, and had students start the build on the first of the raised beds for the garden.
about 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Students use a power drill to build a raisedbed.
The San Diego Farm Bureau Scholarship is now available. Check out their website for scholarship eligibility requirements and the deadline.
about 1 year ago, Chris Navarro
SD Farm Bureau
It starts with one! Last night, freshman Michelle Cruz-Silva competed in her first FFA competition. Although she didn't place, we all applaud her efforts. It takes a lot of courage to compete in a Speech Competition.
about 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Julian High FFA student, Michelle, smiles after a competition.
Cross Country- Hello everyone, our 3rd league Final meet is this Thursday at: Ramona Community Park. All volunteers are welcome and encouraged as I need all the help I can get. I need about 12 Volunteers. Please reach out to Paul Cruz at if you can help!
over 1 year ago, Cassie Lofgreen
Come out to Main Street at 1 pm to celebrate Julian High School's Homecoming. The Homecoming Game against West Shores is tonight. Kick-off at 7pm.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
JHS Homecoming Parade about to begin.
JUHSD had a visit from US Marines and their pull up bar challenge this past Thursday.
over 1 year ago, Chris Navarro
pull up
pull up
pull up
pull up
pull up
pull up
pull up
pull up
pull up
Hello Julian High families, friends, and community. Due to unforseen circumstances, our announcer and scorekeeper for tomorrow's Football game are unavailable. If you can volunteer your time to cover one of these very important tasks, please be at the football field before 2:45pm. Ask for the Athletic Director.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Family Movie Night Presented by the Senior Class Join us this Friday October 13th at 6:00 PM for a viewing of the film The Nightmare Before Christmas in the Little Theater. Concessions will also be for sale, all proceeds go to the 2024 Grad Nite Fund.
over 1 year ago, Cassie Lofgreen
Art & Floral students learn about leaf shapes, vein structure, and leaf margins. Using their collected leaf samples, students turned them into art projects.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Art & Floral students turned leaves into art projects.
Leaf art projects.
A select group of young Julian leaders were selected to attend FFA's Greenhand Leadership Conference today at the Lakeside Rodeo grounds. They met with other young aspiring leaders from around San Diego County.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Students discuss what they have learned at the conference.
Students discuss what they have learned at the conference.
Students discuss what they have learned at the conference.
Students prepare to enter the conference room.
Julian High School along with The Julian Junior High after school programs are working together to build a competitive robotics team. They use Blocks as the basic programming tool and once they get more experience they will transition to Onbot Java, where they will be typing actual lines of code rather than arranging pre-written blocks. Thanks to Dash Martin for leading and teaching the Robotics Team.
over 1 year ago, Yvonne Fleet
Julian High Astronomy Club meets tonight @ 6:30. On campus at the "Shedservatory." (Next to the greenhouse.) Come check it out!
over 1 year ago, Dash Martin
Julian Eagles Boys Cross country wins over West Shores, Calexico Mission, and Mountain Empire at the meet on September 14, 2023. Overall Top Boys Runner was Temet Borrello winning by over a minute. 3rd place Kaleb Baker 5th place Angel Garcia 6th Noah Murphy Pablo Lefebre-Ruiz rounded out our team for the win. Out of the 10 girls Rylee Bennin took 2nd overall in the meet with Isobel Davis Scholl taking 3rd. The Cross Country team is killing it and dominating the league. GO EAGLES!
over 1 year ago, Yvonne Fleet
The Julian FFA Officer team was invited to tour the Oasis Camel Dairy today as part of their Leadership Conference this weekend.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Julian FFA President is feeding a treat to a camel at Oasis Camel Dairy.
Calling all high school seniors! Apply now to be part of 150 @CokeScholars and win $20,000 for college. Deadline is Oct 2 at 5pm EDT à
over 1 year ago, Chris Navarro
Art & Floral students work on understanding color schemes. Today’s activity is creating monochromatic flower crowns. Monochromatic is one color in a variety of shades, tints, and hues.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Krogh
Art and Floral students create flower crowns.
Art & Floral students create flower crowns.
The JUHSD gym is painted and the gym floor is ready for the 2023-2024 school year! A big thanks to the JUHSD maintenance team!!! Go Eagles!
over 1 year ago, Yvonne Fleet